Patterdale in the Past

In 2007, we began collecting any historical and genealogical information that we could find about the Parish of Patterdale. This was presented in a Local History section on the community website PatterdaleTODAY.

The content has grown considerably over the years, as have the number of visitors to those pages, to such an extent that  it merited the creation of a dedicated website - hence PatterdalePAST

We hope this information will be of as much interest to local readers as it will no doubt be to family historians and historical researchers in more distant places. 

Much of the genealogical data has been provided by Chris Darvill, who, over many years, has transcribed the Parish Registers, Census Returns and Gravestone Inscriptions. 

Patterdale Now

Subjects for future inclusion are often suggested by visitors. If you know anything about an interesting past event, people or stories, please let us know. Better still, write something up about them. We will gladly add them to the site, with full acknowledgement. 

If you have any photographs of people, places or events in the area that would be of interest to others, then let us put them on the site for all to see. Send pictures to us, preferably as an e-mail attachment, or if you prefer, we will scan them and quickly return the originals. Any descriptive notes, names or dates would also be of great help.

If you wish to ask a question of the researchers, add a comment, spot an error or simply say thank-you, please use our Discussion Page

If you enjoy researching  local history or answering questions about the past, why not join the 'team'.